Friday, 24 July 2015

New Zealand dabchick resicovery - further good news

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 85
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds

We were dismayed in February to discover that we had lost our breeding dabchick pair at the Waikanae River estuary. They had been producing youngsters every year but the female suddenly disappeared leaving the male on his own. We then discovered another about 3 kms away on the Ratanui Rd wetland, but it was also a male.

It was great news this morning to find the male once again paired up with a female. It was a chilly morning and difficult light, but here are some images to celebrate the two and hopefully look forward to more chicks later in the year.

This delicate little grebe has been a visitor to the dune lake and is one of our rarest local endemic waterbirds. We knew of three at the end of the breeding season in February then reduced to two. It remains a mystery how they get around. It is assumed they fly at night, though we’ve never seen them take to the air. They may also make their way through many of this areas drains and waterways. So where this little female has come from remains a mystery but her appearance gives us every reason to celebrate…

Track we were listening to while posting this - If you want to be a bird –The Holy Modal Rounders… This track would fly right past anyone born after 1955. It is  fairground music strained through American trades hall stomp, then raised to the level of  cantata brilliance by electrification and concentrated mindlessness  (and the help no doubt of illegal substances). It charts a moment in musical history that will never return…


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