Friday, 29 August 2014

NZTA moves to rip out dune lake

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 39
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds
Despite two or three days of frosty mornings, today has been one of those memorable spring days - the air is clear and sharp and warm, it has that sweetly tempered aroma which invades  the world with a quite remarkable calm and then fills it with the promise of everything that is to come. Which is ironic because the expressway contractors are now poised to move into the dune lake as the breeding season gets underway, and begin to destroy it. This seems incomprehensible given that the NZTA  has now conceded that there are critically endangered parera  in this area.

They have sent dogs through the area and declared it parera free which is where the problems really start, for the morning immediately following this categorical  announcement, we photographed this parera male comfortably settled at  the wetland around 7.20am.

Parera male dune lake August 28 2014

And here is another caught the next day at the back of the airport beside the wharemauku creek. This male has been hanging around a wharemauku tributary looking somewhat anxious and perplexed which may indicate that he has a mate hidden on a nest near the waterway confluence because these native ducks, unlike mallards, hang around their  mates while they are on the nest.

Parera male at back of the airport -August 29 2014

All of which demonstrates a systemic problem with the NZTA's strategy of  using privately contracted ecologists to do this work.
In our next post we will be exploring the folly of that.  Meantime...
To all those in the Northern Hemisphere who are following our little  environmental drama down here at the bottom of the South Pacific -our commiserations as you leave your summer behind – though perhaps you are a little tired of all that 40 degree heat by now! Here we welcome the return of the sun, to which there can be only one backing track -Donovan’s -Sunshine Superman- though we file it  here with very mixed  feelings.  
Sunshine came softly
through my window today
Could have tripped out easy
but I’ve changed my ways

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