Tuesday, 4 December 2018

The Best Christmas Video of 2018 -Star of the NZ Forest - Puawhananga

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 165
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds

We are at it again and here is our Christmas post – in which we have collaged a flowering puawhānanga into film. 

This is our New Zealand clematis and it takes about a fortnight as the vine buds up in the Spring, coming to full bloom. 
Beginning to bud
The white, so aptly named by Māori – as puawhānanga – the star of the forest (wao) - brings an incandescent plumage to the forest. Locally you can begin to see this again in our forests of the Tararua’s where 1080 has reduced the possum infestations. The vine, ice cream to these Australian pests,  is now making a comeback. 
Inhabiting the Kanuka - Puawhānanga clothes this coastal forest tree
But the best place is Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf. Possum never got out here so the effect on existing forest and regrowth areas on the island makes a wonderfully startling Spring transformation. 

It's been a funny old Spring and early summer this year. 2017 saw drought conditions established November through December and we were in swimming by the end of November. This year has seen steady belts of rain so the landscape is looking deliciously green which is good news for our local regenerating natives.

Track we were listening to while posting this? Well we've gone back to the fifties and early sixties and rat packer Dean Martin... 
When we finally kiss good-night

How I'll hate going out in the storm
But if you really hold me tight
All the way home I'll be warm

He would stumble around on stage in his TV show, then lean on the piano which he would pretend to miss. But was he pretending? Have a few drinks this Xmas, you've earned them, but don't take it as far as the Deano...