Sunday, 27 August 2017

Spring is catching up to the Wharemauku Swamp, New Zealand

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 144
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds
Welcome Swallow
We are seeing plenty of Welcome Swallows this year, feeding over the wetland. They are usually in groups and like fantail/ piwakawaka, can swoop in close to you when you’re out amongst them. They are very difficult to film but we watched these two, looping together around the same spot for five minutes.
courting swallows
Courting swallows 
Then managed to get a short film of them. They were not feeding but chasing each other. The larger male seemed to be doing all the hard work and you don’t usually see swallows circling the same spot like this. An hour later when we returned, they were still at it.  So we think this is courtship behaviour and are keeping an eye out for nest building.    
Attached to this film are clips of two Little Shags diving in the ponds close to town. We couldn’t see whether this was a pair but they are rare visitors. We have never seen two down here like this so its a further good sign and may indicate there is more marine life in the swamp now the drains have opened up.
Wharemauku swamp pond - looking towards Expressway
Little shag at Wharemauku swamp
What we aren’t seeing however are many ducks. Where previously there were 30 to 40 mallards and usually a couple of broods of ducklings by now, then a small colony of parera cross birds, we rarely see more than five or six mature birds. Even so we have seen some provoking behaviours.

A solitary parera-cross pair appeared at one of the town ponds over a month ago and the male immediately set about keeping the green headed mallard males in their place. 
Parera-cross on left, set about this  mallard 

The two have been seen down here regularly-
And more recently the female has gone walk about in the undergrowth with her bewildered mate in tow.
Female Parera-cross
Bewildered male
Once again we are keeping a look out for nest building. One of the signs  is to  find lone males moping around. And there are a number of these around at the moment…
Mallard male
This guy has only one leg. The female was well hidden up in the undergrowth, but they were  disturbed by people on the track oblivious to what was going on, and we're not sure if they will return.

This male starred in a previous post but wouldn’t keep his head still here. No female in sight for a while now but he hasn't left the area.
And this kotare is still around but no sign of a mate for a while.

Track we were listening to... today we are going back into the history of rock’n'roll, because well, we just can’t resist it. Buddy Holly's Rave on.
We-a-he-a-hell, the little things you say and do
Make me want to be with you-ah-ou
Rave on, it's a crazy feelin' and
I know it's got me reelin'
I'm so glad that you're revealin'
Your love for me
Rave on, rave on and tell me
Tell me not to be lonely
Tell me you love me only
Rave on for me

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Courting couples at the Wharemauku Swamp - Kapiti New Zealand

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 143
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds
Looking East - Sunrise across the Wharemauku - forecasting trouble ahead...

With 60mm of rain over the past three days and another polar blast due any time soon, we are still knee deep in winter over here, but nevertheless seeing a lot of spring behaviours now and having trouble keeping up with them.
Putangitangi (Paradise Duck) couple grooming (female with white head)
One of our main objectives has been to try and get close to the intimate lives of these birds (without disturbing them); to look for the connections they make between themselves, and then with other species. This wetland has begun to look more and more as if it is harbouring an integrated community life. There is plenty of conflict of course, yet just as much co-operative comportment and here the similarities with ourselves, not the differences, begin to pile up.
Parera-cross pair 

New arrivals. Canadian geese have not previously bred here and usually only overnight. but this pair look as if they intend to hang around

And all this just a 5 minute walk away.
Pied Stilt pair

We are planning a series on Spring pairings and here is the first, a 3 minute clip on Pied Stilt. 
We have seen a dozen of these elegant birds down here over the past few months but only five seem to have taken up permanent residence.

This is comparable with 2016 when two pair coaxed three chicks into adulthood. There has been plenty of feisty conflict between these five birds over the last few weeks but they have  settled into pairs. Even now however there is an alpha pair who keep the other two in their place, while the loner seems to be one of the youngsters from last year who hasn’t yet got a full adult plumage.
Pied stilt youngster from last year?

When they begin courting the male is particularly aggressive towards interlopers (remind you of any other species?), and there follows a period of mutual feeding and grooming before mating takes place. The female is not passive through all this. She can be just as aggressive towards interlopers and takes the lead in initiating grooming behaviours that appear to reassure her about her chosen mate’s dependability. This forms a very strong bond between the two (unlike with mallards say), with the male then sharing nesting duties and playing a lead role in warning interlopers away from the nest and the chicks.

Next post we’ll have  a look at some of the other birds, including welcome swallow, little shag, then the first pair of Parera-cross ducks that have ventured back here since the expressway construction 3 years ago. 
Little Shag
Track we were listening to while posting this?  Well, this is for all our US friends. We too, are feeling your pain and hope you can still see the amusing side of this selection that may provide a salve for it. 
Show me around your snow-peaked mountains 
way down south
Take me to your Daddy's farm
Let me hear your balalaika's ringing out
Come and keep your comrade warm
I'm back in the U.S.S.R.
 You don't know how lucky you are boys
Back in the U.S.S.R.

It's Back In The USSR… 1968 with Paul McCartney doing the Beach Boys doing Jan and Dean…

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Signs of an early Spring at a Kapiti dunelake in New Zealand

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 142
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds 

We have been away for a midwinter break and here is the evidence
A little hard to identify this but believe it or not it's snow in the car park at the North Egmont visitor centre on Mt Taranaki.

The winter drought finally broke and we have had two or three southerly storms through, but not before these youngsters emerged on the Wharemauku stream back here at Raumati Beach.

This is way too early and Mum showed her anxiety by hiding them in this culvert for a good 5 minutes when she knew we were hanging around. 

Hardly room enough for them, leave alone the larger bird but they eventually emerged and took off down stream.

Here are some more youngsters, cygnets this time

These were spotted at the Ratanui wetland, 4km due north. Once again, Mum was very wary and herded them pretty quickly out of sight. Given that she would have been on the nest for nearly a month these birds seem to have mistimed badly, because the bad weather hit just as they were hatching.

And this has brought widespread flooding back to the wharemauku
wetland which supports the idea, floated in our previous post that this area has now become a flood plain. While we now have a larger area of wetland, the 5-7 hectare dune lake has effectively disappeared. We still don’t know what the longer term effect on wildlife will be. On our last visit we counted 30 mallards a good sign, then for the first time spotted a parera-cross pair. (Parera are NZ native ducks that are seriously endangered through interbreeding with introduced mallards)
The male very aggressively confronted a squadron of green headed mallards which gives some weight to the idea that even while they have mallard genes in their veins, they still ‘see’ themselves as parera. We’ll be keeping a close eye on them to see if the small colony that used to be at the dune lake are still around.

In the meantime here are some other residents of the area
Courting Putangitangi
This Welcome Swallow was busy feeding during a storm. Unlike most birds they don’t seem to be too bothered by bad weather.
The kotare or NZ kingfisher is still up on his perch overlooking the wetland though you have to be up early to catch him.

Theoretically we still have a month of winter to go, but conditions are already spring-like some days so we will be looking out for signs of nesting from now on.

Meanwhile it’s been a sensational few days as the Labour Party changes leadership 7 weeks out from a General Election. It sounds like political suicide but the whole country has been hoisted from its torpor, at the sight of a feisty new generation and Jacindamania on the rise. Watch this space!!! 
Jacinda Adern fills the TV screen
Track we were listening to this week well, there was really only one song in it...

It well recalls the triumphs past
It gives the hope of peace at last
The banner bright the symbol plain
Of human right and human gain

Then raise the scarlet standard high
Beneath it's folds we'll live and die
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We'll keep the red flag flying here