Thursday, 18 August 2016

Dolphin pod at Oneroa Waiheke Island New Zealand

Welcome to the Midnight Collective Broadsheet 119
Actively supporting NZ’s endangered wetland birds
Oneroa    Waiheke Island
We are currently staying on Waiheke Island in the Hauraki Gulf, 30 minutes by ferry from Auckland city centre. 

Here at lunch time, a pod of dolphin entered the inlet and stayed to frolic for around an hour. 
Swimmers with dolphin - Oneroa Friday August 19, 12.30pm
Two swimmers went out to make contact, though its still winter here and even on a sunny day remains pretty cool. They got surprisingly close to them.

Last week a family of orca turned up at the Matiatia and caused something of a sensation. Dolphin are more frequent visitors, still it is delightful and engaging seeing these elegant animals come so close into the shore here at high tide.

We are currently putting together a video but will post these images in the  meantime. 

Jill Studd's blog
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